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31 May 2008
6.2-Rから6.3Rへのアップデートする方法 - 備忘録(作業メモとか)
以下のとおり実行した 2時間くらいかかった
# tar -xf freebsd-update-upgrade.tgz
# sh freebsd-update.sh -f freebsd-update.conf -r 6.3-RELEASE upgrade
# sh freebsd-update.sh -f freebsd-update.conf install
The system must be rebooted with the newly installed kernel before continuing.
# shutdown -r now
Finally, freebsd-update.sh needs to be run one more time to install the new userland components, and the system needs to be rebooted one last time:
# sh freebsd-update.sh -f freebsd-update.conf install
# shutdown -r now
以下のとおり実行した 2時間くらいかかった
# tar -xf freebsd-update-upgrade.tgz
# sh freebsd-update.sh -f freebsd-update.conf -r 6.3-RELEASE upgrade
# sh freebsd-update.sh -f freebsd-update.conf install
The system must be rebooted with the newly installed kernel before continuing.
# shutdown -r now
Finally, freebsd-update.sh needs to be run one more time to install the new userland components, and the system needs to be rebooted one last time:
# sh freebsd-update.sh -f freebsd-update.conf install
# shutdown -r now
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