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14 March 2013

FreeBSD 無線LAN 接続

以下のように /boot/loader.conf と /etc/rc.conf を設定して無線LAN接続出来た。


ifconfig_wlan0="WPA inet 192.168.YY.XXX netmask ssid AirPort15124"

#ifconfig -a の結果
ath0: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 2290
ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect mode 11g
status: associated
wlan0: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 1500
ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast 192.168.yy.255
media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/54Mbps mode 11g
status: associated
ssid AirPortzzzzz channel 7 (2442 MHz 11g) bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
regdomain 65 country J1 indoor ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON
deftxkey UNDEF TKIP 2:128-bit txpower 20 bmiss 7 scanvalid 450 bgscan
bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7 roam:rate 5 protmode CTS
wme burst roaming MANUAL


Wireless Networking

03/14/13 10:53:46 - noboru - No comments FreeBSD , Network

05 January 2013


2012年12月31日にFreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE が出ていました
FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE Release Notes
FreeBSD リリースエンジニアリングチームより、 FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE の公開をお知らせします。 これは、9-STABLE ブランチからの 2 回目のリリースであり、 FreeBSD 9.0 が備える機能の改善と、新たな機能の追加が行なわれたものです。

01/05/13 11:08:54 - noboru - No comments FreeBSD

02 July 2012

FreeBSD RELEASEのサポート期限

FreeBSD RELEASE 8.1,8.2 のサポート期限が近付いてきました
FreeBSD Security Information
The current supported branches and expected EoL dates are:
| Branch | Release | Type | Release date | Estimated EoL |
|RELENG_7 |n/a |n/a |n/a |February 28, 2013|
|RELENG_7_4 |7.4-RELEASE |Extended|February 24, 2011|February 28, 2013|
|RELENG_8 |n/a |n/a |n/a |last release + 2y|
|RELENG_8_1 |8.1-RELEASE |Extended|July 23, 2010 |July 31, 2012 |
|RELENG_8_2 |8.2-RELEASE |Normal |February 24, 2011|July 31, 2012 |
|RELENG_8_3 |8.3-RELEASE |Extended|April 18, 2012 |April 30, 2014 |
|RELENG_9 |n/a |n/a |n/a |last release + 2y|
|RELENG_9_0 |9.0-RELEASE |Normal |January 10, 2012 |January 31, 2013 |

07/02/12 06:29:49 - noboru - No comments FreeBSD

13 June 2012

FreeBSD Security Advisory

Topic: Privilege escalation when returning from kernel
Module: sys_amd64
Affects: All supported versions of FreeBSD
2012-06-12 12:10:10 UTC (RELENG_7, 7.4-STABLE)
2012-06-12 12:10:10 UTC (RELENG_7_4, 7.4-RELEASE-p9)
2012-06-12 12:10:10 UTC (RELENG_8, 8.3-STABLE)
2012-06-12 12:10:10 UTC (RELENG_8_3, 8.3-RELEASE-p3)
2012-06-12 12:10:10 UTC (RELENG_8_2, 8.2-RELEASE-p9)
2012-06-12 12:10:10 UTC (RELENG_8_1, 8.1-RELEASE-p11)
2012-06-12 12:10:10 UTC (RELENG_9, 9.0-STABLE)
2012-06-12 12:10:10 UTC (RELENG_9_0, 9.0-RELEASE-p3)

06/13/12 08:51:12 - noboru - No comments FreeBSD

31 May 2012

FreeBSD Security Advisory

Affects: All supported versions of FreeBSD.
Corrected: 2012-05-30 12:01:28 UTC (RELENG_7, 7.4-STABLE)
2012-05-30 12:01:28 UTC (RELENG_7_4, 7.4-RELEASE-p8)
2012-05-30 12:01:28 UTC (RELENG_8, 8.3-STABLE)
2012-05-30 12:01:28 UTC (RELENG_8_3, 8.3-RELEASE-p2)
2012-05-30 12:01:28 UTC (RELENG_8_2, 8.2-RELEASE-p8)
2012-05-30 12:01:28 UTC (RELENG_8_1, 8.1-RELEASE-p10)
2012-05-30 12:01:28 UTC (RELENG_9, 9.0-STABLE)
2012-05-30 12:01:28 UTC (RELENG_9_0, 9.0-RELEASE-p2)
Affects: All supported versions of FreeBSD.
Corrected: 2012-05-30 12:01:28 UTC (RELENG_7, 7.4-STABLE)
2012-05-30 12:01:28 UTC (RELENG_7_4, 7.4-RELEASE-p8)
2012-05-30 12:01:28 UTC (RELENG_8, 8.3-STABLE)
2012-05-30 12:01:28 UTC (RELENG_8_3, 8.3-RELEASE-p2)
2012-05-30 12:01:28 UTC (RELENG_8_2, 8.2-RELEASE-p8)
2012-05-30 12:01:28 UTC (RELENG_8_1, 8.1-RELEASE-p10)
2012-05-30 12:01:28 UTC (RELENG_9, 9.0-STABLE)
2012-05-30 12:01:28 UTC (RELENG_9_0, 9.0-RELEASE-p2)

05/31/12 07:26:45 - noboru - No comments FreeBSD

04 May 2012

FreeBSD Security Advisory

Affects: All supported versions of FreeBSD.
 2012-05-03 15:25:11 UTC (RELENG_7, 7.4-STABLE)
 2012-05-03 15:25:11 UTC (RELENG_7_4, 7.4-RELEASE-p7)
 2012-05-03 15:25:11 UTC (RELENG_8, 8.3-STABLE)
 2012-05-03 15:25:11 UTC (RELENG_8_3, 8.3-RELEASE-p1)
 2012-05-03 15:25:11 UTC (RELENG_8_2, 8.2-RELEASE-p7)
 2012-05-03 15:25:11 UTC (RELENG_8_1, 8.1-RELEASE-p9)
 2012-05-03 15:25:11 UTC (RELENG_9, 9.0-STABLE)
 2012-05-03 15:25:11 UTC (RELENG_9_0, 9.0-RELEASE-p1)

05/04/12 19:42:33 - noboru - No comments FreeBSD

24 April 2012

FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE -> 8.3-RELEASE upgrade

サポート期限(2012.07.31)の8.1RELEASE のシステムを8.3RELEASEにfreebsd-updateを使用して更新してみた
| Branch | Release | Type | Release date | Estimated EoL |
|RELENG_7 |n/a |n/a |n/a |February 28, 2013|
|RELENG_7_4 |7.4-RELEASE |Extended|February 24, 2011|February 28, 2013|
|RELENG_8 |n/a |n/a |n/a |last release + 2y|
|RELENG_8_1 |8.1-RELEASE |Extended|July 23, 2010 |July 31, 2012 |
|RELENG_8_2 |8.2-RELEASE |Normal |February 24, 2011|July 31, 2012 |
|RELENG_8_3 |8.3-RELEASE |Extended|April 18, 2012  |April 30, 2014 |
|RELENG_9 |n/a |n/a |n/a |last release + 2y|
|RELENG_9_0 |9.0-RELEASE |Normal |January 10, 2012 |January 31, 2013 |
#freebsd-update -r 8.3-RELEASE upgrade
Looking up mirrors... 4 mirrors found.
Fetching metadata signature for 8.1-RELEASE from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Inspecting system... done.

The following components of FreeBSD seem to be installed:
kernel/generic src/base src/sys world/base world/dict world/doc
world/info world/manpages world/proflibs

The following components of FreeBSD do not seem to be installed:
src/bin src/cddl src/contrib src/crypto src/etc src/games src/gnu
src/include src/krb5 src/lib src/libexec src/release src/rescue src/sbin
src/secure src/share src/tools src/ubin src/usbin world/catpages

Does this look reasonable (y/n)? y

Fetching metadata signature for 8.3-RELEASE from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Fetching 1 metadata patches. done.
Applying metadata patches... done.
Fetching 1 metadata files... done.
Inspecting system... done.
Fetching files from 8.1-RELEASE for merging... done.
Preparing to download files... done.
Fetching 17390 patches.....10....20...
Applying patches... done.
Fetching 1178 files... done.
Attempting to automatically merge changes in files... done.

The following file could not be merged automatically: /etc/hosts
Press Enter to edit this file in vi and resolve the conflicts
The following changes, which occurred between FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE and
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE have been merged into /boot/device.hints:
The following changes, which occurred between FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE and
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE have been merged into /etc/group:
The following changes, which occurred between FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE and
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE have been merged into /etc/hosts:
The following changes, which occurred between FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE and
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE have been merged into /etc/master.passwd:
The following changes, which occurred between FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE and
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE have been merged into /etc/passwd:
The following changes, which occurred between FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE and
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE have been merged into /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
The following changes, which occurred between FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE and
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE have been merged into /etc/ttys:

The following files will be removed as part of updating to 8.3-RELEASE-p0:

# freebsd-update -r 8.3-RELEASE install
Installing updates...
Kernel updates have been installed. Please reboot and run
"/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install" again to finish installing updates.


# freebsd-update install
Installing updates... done.

%uname -a
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE #0: Mon Apr 9 21:47:23 UTC 2012 i386

04/24/12 20:26:48 - noboru - No comments FreeBSD

19 April 2012

FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE が出ました

FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE アナウンス
FreeBSD リリースエンジニアリングチームより、 FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE の公開をお知らせします。 これは、8-STABLE ブランチからの 4 回目のリリースであり、 FreeBSD 8.2 が備える機能の改善と、新たな機能の追加が行なわれたものです。このリリースの主な変更点は、以下のとおりです。
usb(4) が USB パケットフィルタに対応
TCP/IP スタックが mod_cc(9) 輻輳制御フレームワークに対応
graid(8) GEOM クラスがさまざまな BIOS ベースのソフトウェア RAID コントローラに対応 (ataraid(4) の置き換え)
ZFS が SPA バージョン 28 に対応
Gnome が 2.32.1、KDE が 4.7.4 に更新
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE Notes

04/19/12 08:47:10 - noboru - No comments FreeBSD

19 March 2012

freebsd-update のエラー

%sudo freebsd-update fetch
Looking up mirrors... 4 mirrors found.
Fetching metadata signature for 7.4-RELEASE from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Inspecting system... done.
Preparing to download files... done.

The following files will be added as part of updating to 7.4-RELEASE-p6:

%sudo freebsd-update install
Installing updates...install: ///usr/src/lib/libc/gen/libc_dlopen.c: No such file or directory

運用ネタ(FreeBSD) freebsd-update がエラーメッセージをはいてこける件 | 世迷言

%sudo mkdir /usr/src/lib/
%sudo mkdir /usr/src/lib/libc/
%sudo mkdir /usr/src/lib/libc/gen
%sudo freebsd-update fetch
Looking up mirrors... 4 mirrors found.
Fetching metadata signature for 7.4-RELEASE from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Inspecting system... done.
Preparing to download files... done.

The following files will be added as part of updating to 7.4-RELEASE-p6:

%sudo freebsd-update install
Installing updates... done.
%sudo freebsd-update fetch
Looking up mirrors... 4 mirrors found.
Fetching metadata signature for 7.4-RELEASE from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Inspecting system... done.
Preparing to download files... done.

No updates needed to update system to 7.4-RELEASE-p6.

03/19/12 15:25:35 - noboru - No comments FreeBSD

FreeBSD 7.3-RELEASE -> 7.4-RELEASE upgrade

7.3RELEASE のシステムを7.4RELEASEにfreebsd-updateを使用して更新した
#freebsd-update -r 7.4-RELEASE upgrade
Looking up mirrors... 4 mirrors found.
Fetching metadata signature for 7.3-RELEASE from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Fetching 1 metadata patches. done.
Applying metadata patches... done.
Inspecting system... done.

The following components of FreeBSD seem to be installed:
kernel/generic src/base src/sys world/base world/dict world/doc
world/info world/manpages world/proflibs

The following components of FreeBSD do not seem to be installed:
src/bin src/cddl src/contrib src/crypto src/etc src/games src/gnu
src/include src/krb5 src/lib src/libexec src/release src/rescue src/sbin
src/secure src/share src/tools src/ubin src/usbin world/catpages

Does this look reasonable (y/n)? y

Fetching metadata signature for 7.4-RELEASE from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Fetching 1 metadata patches. done.
Applying metadata patches... done.
Fetching 1 metadata files... done.
Inspecting system... done.
Fetching files from 7.3-RELEASE for merging... done.
Preparing to download files... done.
Fetching 20394 patches.....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100....110....120....130....
60....20370....20380....20390.. done.
Applying patches... done.
Fetching 1123 files...

#freebsd-update -r 7.4-RELEASE install
Installing updates...
Kernel updates have been installed. Please reboot and run
"/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install" again to finish installing updates.

#freebsd-update install
Installing updates... done.


03/19/12 11:27:53 - noboru - No comments FreeBSD
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