25 June 2006
現在は FreeBSD 4.11-RELEASE-p13 #0: Thu Dec 22 21:33:32 JST 2005
アップデート後は、FreeBSD 4.11-RELEASE-p19 #0: なる予定
20060614: p19 FreeBSD-SA-06:17.sendmail
Correct a bug in the handling of multipart messages by sendmail(8)
which can allow a malformed message to crash a sendmail queue
processing process.
20060531: p18 FreeBSD-SA-06:16.smbfs
Correct a bug in the handling of backslash characters in smbfs
which can allow an attacker to escape from a chroot(2).
20060419: p17 FreeBSD-SA-06:14.fpu
Correct a local information leakage bug affecting AMD FPUs.
20060322: p16 FreeBSD-SA-06:11.ipsec, FreeBSD-SA-06:12.opie,
Add missing code needed for the detection of IPSec packet
replays. [06:11]
Correctly identify the user running opiepasswd(1) when the login
name differs from the account name. [06:12]
Modify timeout handling logic in sendmail(8) to correct a reported
signal handling race condition. [06:13]
20060301: p15 FreeBSD-SA-06:10.nfs
Correct a remote kernel panic when processing zero-length RPC
records via TCP.
20060111: p14 FreeBSD-SA-06:01.texindex, FreeBSD-SA-06:02.ee,
Correct insecure temporary file usage in texindex. [06:01]
Correct insecure temporary file usage in ee. [06:02]
Correct a race condition when setting file permissions,
sanitize file names by default, and fix a buffer overflow
when handling files larger than 4GB in cpio. [06:03]
現在は FreeBSD 4.11-RELEASE-p13 #0: Thu Dec 22 21:33:32 JST 2005
アップデート後は、FreeBSD 4.11-RELEASE-p19 #0: なる予定
20060614: p19 FreeBSD-SA-06:17.sendmail
Correct a bug in the handling of multipart messages by sendmail(8)
which can allow a malformed message to crash a sendmail queue
processing process.
20060531: p18 FreeBSD-SA-06:16.smbfs
Correct a bug in the handling of backslash characters in smbfs
which can allow an attacker to escape from a chroot(2).
20060419: p17 FreeBSD-SA-06:14.fpu
Correct a local information leakage bug affecting AMD FPUs.
20060322: p16 FreeBSD-SA-06:11.ipsec, FreeBSD-SA-06:12.opie,
Add missing code needed for the detection of IPSec packet
replays. [06:11]
Correctly identify the user running opiepasswd(1) when the login
name differs from the account name. [06:12]
Modify timeout handling logic in sendmail(8) to correct a reported
signal handling race condition. [06:13]
20060301: p15 FreeBSD-SA-06:10.nfs
Correct a remote kernel panic when processing zero-length RPC
records via TCP.
20060111: p14 FreeBSD-SA-06:01.texindex, FreeBSD-SA-06:02.ee,
Correct insecure temporary file usage in texindex. [06:01]
Correct insecure temporary file usage in ee. [06:02]
Correct a race condition when setting file permissions,
sanitize file names by default, and fix a buffer overflow
when handling files larger than 4GB in cpio. [06:03]
posted at 15:01:54 on 25 June 2006
by noboru -
Category: FreeBSD
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